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About Us

Rena Levi Skincare

Rena Levi Gibson is a skincare expert with over 45 years experience working directly in the skincare industry and helping people with all types of problem skin.

Rena Levi came to the United States from Israel when she was 17 years old not speaking any English. She was determined to learn quickly and make a success of herself, and got involved with skincare classes in Brooklyn, NY in the early 70’s.  

Her fast learning, an almost uncanny intuition around the issue of skincare, and the love of helping people created in her a deep love and passion for her career choice.

Over the years she had opportunity to see thousands of cases, and learn about endless means of treating the skin with problems such as acne, cystic acne, hormonal acne, melasma, and hyperpigmentation. Her level of experience and expertise in these matters is highly rare and as a result of this, she has developed her own line of products “The Rena Levi Skincare Collection”.

Although her presentation may still need polishing, the effectiveness of the products are undeniable.  She has developed an almost endless vault of testimonials, videos, and tears of gratitude for what her products have done for people.  She has a huge, tender heart that goes out to people with severe acne and other skin issues because she knows how much pain and embarrassment people often feel when having them.